Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Studio Lighting Portfolio

This is my studio lighting portfolio. All the images that I turned in are either 8x8 or 8x10 and matted. It was my first time measuring and cutting mats so the whole project really stressed me out, but it's done and turned in. I'll get it back tonight after 7 pm. I really hope I do well because these six pictures are worth 40% of my total grade in this class. AHHH! The "names" under the pictures were the requirements I was given for each image.

A box shaped object

Translucent glass



Casual portrait

Formal Portrait

Thanks to all my models, studio helpers, and anyone that offered encouragement. This was quite the class.


Keri said...

Very cool stuff. I know what you mean about matting. It can be so confusing the first couple times!

Ruth said...

I love that red sweater. That texture one now....

Lisa said...

Is it wrong that the squished fly is my favorite? It's so unexpected.

Jen said...

These are absolutely beautiful and I could honestly see some of them in a magazine. Great job Kristin!