It's true, my blogging has gotten quite lazy the last couple of months, and with no excuse. It's not like I'm swamped with homework or housework--I'm taking an aerobics class and my internship, and we keep our apartment clean and tidy on a daily basis. Even today when I asked Rob if I needed to do something around the house while he was at school, the answer was no. Even all of the laundry is done. Wow. So what did I opt to do? Take a three hour nap, of course.
In all honestly, during the last couple weeks of October I was quite miserable. I got a NASTY cold which kept me in bed for an entire week, even missing work for multiple days. After sleeping an entire week away I started my second block aerobics class and aside from the glory of learning the dance to The Thriller, I was sore and stiff from the sudden increase of exercise.
After having completing the second week of my class today, I still feel like an old lady because of my tight hamstrings and quads. This week we did kickboxing, step, body pump (aerobic weightlifting), and pilates. Lets just say that I REALLY enjoyed the pilates today after ripping my quads to shreds yesterday.
Let me not forget about Halloween either, this year we carved pumpkins with a friend the night before all hallows eve, in hope of attracting trick-or-treaters. We think that it worked, because this year we got a whole seven kids that came begging for candy, whereas last year we had none, and the year before, just one.
The best part of Halloween this year was that my quest for a road bike finally came to an end! We met a couple from Pocatello in Idaho Falls to test ride a 2007 Trek 1000 bike, and to our joyous surprise it fits my 26.5 inch inseam! I think the difference between this bike and the others that I've ridden is that it's specifically designed for a woman's body. This is what my tasty little bike looks like:
And the best part? It's FAST! The entire bike is only 21 pounds and the rear cassette is tiny, which makes getting up and going so easy and fun! The entire bike is actually quite small. It's a 43 cm frame (17 inches) which is the smallest frame that Trek makes before downsizing into kids bikes. When you put Rob's and my road bikes side by side, my seat and handlebars are the same height as his top tube. My bike is also seven pounds lighter than his.
So we now own four bikes and two vehicles. I guess it's not the typical setup for two college students, but we are pleased to have so many options. We only wish that it wasn't so danged cold outside now and that we could get out and ride more often. We did get a short ride in on Sunday, but my road bike needs a tune-up before I lay down any serious miles. This bike was totally worth the money from selling my LoveSac and the majority of the first paycheck from my internship.
So yes, we're still alive and thriving. I've taken up researching how to find the perfect red lipstick, and Rob is endlessly busy with schoolwork. We're going down to Utah this weekend for my nephew's baptism, and then back up to Idaho Falls for Sunday dinner with Rob's great-aunt Arvilla. She's Rob's grandfathers sister and we're excited to meet her.