Monday, March 28, 2005

Three of Us

The day had to come when one of us again takes off and leaves. First I went to New York for my great adventure. I was gone for two years! Now Ms. Natalie is off on her way to the great land of Korea to serve an LDS Mission for eighteen months. Jessie, Nan, and I have been the best of friends for many years. The next great adventure for any of us? Jessie is getting married in about a week and a half! Wowie! And for me? Who knows! With my restlessness it could be another cross country move . . . what an adventure that would be!

"(the three) of us (will be) sending postcards, writing letters, (and hanging them) On (our) wall(s) . . . On our way back home, we're on our way home, we're going home . . .

You and I have memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead . . . "

All My Love Nan! Have fun!