I'm going to go off on a little rant now about a huge pet peeve of mine--please understand that I'm
usually a very nice person.
A little background information first. I like to read peoples blogs. Since I'm in school right now I usually only get to the internet once during the day, and it's usually in a school computer lab. To see who's updated their blogs since I last read, I use my blogroll and click on the blogs that have new posts, opening each blog in a new tab. This is where my fury begins.
So I'm in a dead silent computer lab, and all of a sudden, music starts streaming for my computer. And not just one song, but three songs. THREE SONGS! I've just opened eleven new tabs and I'm scrambling like crazy trying to figure out whose blog is spouting REM, some annoying country song, and something else that I can't figure out. ARGH!!
Basically what I'm saying is that while I think those music players you can put on your blogs are cool, I HATE when they automatically start the music. There is a setting that allows you to start the music only if you hit the button. Perhaps some of you could look into that feature?
Anyway, sorry about the rant, but it makes me so ANGRY! At least this time that it happened I was in a computer lab with a bunch of horticulture students that heard me go off on this rant three days ago in class--so they too now understand my hatred for those automatically starting music players. GRRR!