Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rob and I got married! 04-07-07

So Britt asked me today if you could add slide shows to your blog . . .

Well, I guess you can, but I totally cheated by just inserting the html codes from my slide show on my MySpace. :)


Dyana said...

Hi's me....your long lost leader! Hey, just wanted to tell you that there are a number of sites you can create a slideshow on & embed it on your blog....I usually use
Hope to hear from you soon.
Check out my family BLOG
and if you get really bored check out my business BLOG
Take Care....Dyana

Lisa said...

Well, I was going to tell you about, but I'm too late. One of Kit's cousins uses all the time on her blog, but I gotta be honest, the music that always plays as soon as I load her page is really annoying.

Your pictures are very cute!