Saturday, August 30, 2008


his afternoon Rob went downstairs to ask our neighbors if they had a power drill we could use. I waited patiently upstairs for his arrival, and instead of a drill he came in with a large zuchinni, two summer squash, and this little beauty:

The problem is that we have no idea what it is, or how to cook it.

Any suggestions? My Mom thinks I should disect it and see what it looks like inside to see how to cook it. I'm not sure I'm ready to eat it yet though . . .


Sarah said...

What the!!

Angi Gerrie said...

No idea... Kyle says "it looks like a watermelon that ate another watermelon... throw it out"

Anonymous said...

Google turban squash

Amber said...

I think it is a cucumberishwatermelon with pumpkin aspirations. Chop that baby open. I'm curious.

Lisa said...

After a little googling, I think it's a buttercup squash (not to be confused with butternut).

Britt Wright said...

Interesting.....good luck cooking that little beauty.

Anonymous said...

mmm chop it up and cook it!

Mary Lynn said...

holy pumpkin-zucchini! We shall call it.. The Pumpkini?