So what is Thanksgiving without a turkey bowl? It's just a bunch of turkey and gravy . . . but still ohh so good! Thankfully enough though, we were able to pull together a few brave souls to come out and play this year!
Here we are getting ready to start the game. Katy brought her dog, Tundra who helped with a touchdown, Cindy hiding in the back back, while Jake and Dave are fixed on something in the sky . . . then there is Anthrea lookin' all cute and ready to rumble, Jeremy hiding out, Chris playin' it cool, and me? I'm just ready to get drrrty! Let the mudfest begin!
Kami and posing for the 'tuff muddy' picture.
After much slipping and sliding and spitting we gathered together for a group picture. Anthrea and Katy had already gone home to clean up, but here we have Kami and I in the front, with Jake, Dave, Chris, Jeremy, and Chris all dirtied up! The only other person we were missing was Cindy, as she took the glorious picture.
Kami and I definately were the most decked out though. Our secret to keeping warm was the neon tights! She in hot pink, and I in smurf blue!
Aren't we just faboo? Kami may not look too dirty, but mud doesn't show up as well on red. Jake had to agree, so he stuck his head in the picture too.
1 hour ago